You may have arrived at this help article because Studiorific's permissions to post to your Instagram account have expired. Your account has to be reconnected in order to re-authorize Studiorific with the up to date permissions to post to Instagram on your behalf.

You may have some questions:

  1. Why did this happen?
    Instagram may expire permissions for a variety of reasons:
    1. You have changed your Instagram username or password.
    2. You have changed your Instagram security settings (ex. 2 factor authentication settings or verification related settings).
    3. Instagram's permissions expire after a certain period of time since your last login attempt. 
    4. Instagram detects a suspicious activity on your account and expires the permissions automatically.

  2. How can I minimize or stop this from happening again?
    It is not possible to stop this from happening because it depends on the naturally occurring factors listed above. However, it is possible to minimize this by using Instagram's 2 factor authentication. When using 2 factor authentication with your Instagram's account, you are eliminating or minimizing from the effect of points 3 and 4 listed above.

    To enable 2 factor authentication on your account, follow the instructions from Instagram's help guide (click here).

How to re-authorize your Instagram account with Studiorific

  1. First, you need to make sure that you delete your Instagram account from 'Account manager'
    1. First head to 'Account manager' section.
    2. Find the account that needs re-authorization and click on the 3 dots menu to its right.
    3. Click on 'Delete' button to delete the account.
      Note: if you already have posts associated with this account, they will be kept for you when you add the account again.
  2. Second, make sure that your Instagram account has 2 factor authentication enabled. If it's not, it's highly recommended that you enable 2 factor authentication for best connectivity.
    1. You can follow the Instagram guide on how to do that from here:
  3. Third, once you have enabled 2 factor authentication on your account, go to 'Account manager' again to add your Instagram account.
    1. To add your Instagram account, enter your Instagram username and password and pick the closest location to you.
    2. If you face any issues or questions, please refer to this guide which we have prepared for you: How to Add an Instagram Account.

That's it!